Monday, 17 September 2012

For my Kindergartener

I know that we are into week number two at school, but everyday I wonder how my big/litttle guy is doing.  I make a point of laying down with him every evening to talk about our day, but already I feel like I am missing so much!  I want to know everything about his day - about all that he learns, anout all that he feels.  I miss spending my days with him!  My wonderful, amazing, big boy!  

Saturday, 8 September 2012

It's Laundry Day!

I am pretty sure all parents can appreciate this one....thanks to my sister-in-law who shared it!  Now...time for me to get started on the weekend laundry!


Thursday, 6 September 2012

Making the Decision to Have a Child...

Out of Body

We are SO lucky to have two of them! Our oldest started Kindergarten today.  I just can't get over how 5 years has passed so quickly.  To go from a newborn to "See ya later Mom" at school just went by in a flash.  Man oh man.  On the bright side, he was just THRILLED about school, and so so so excited to get there.  Hopefully the excitement lasts!  My sweet boy!

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Welcome to What Mama Loves!

Hello!  I am SO EXCITED to have you join me here at What Mama Loves! 

You might be asking, "What's this all about?" may already know me from the food blog that I write, Addicted to Recipes.  If you haven't found me there, I invite you to head over and visit!  I write about recipes, all the great recipes (and sometimes recipes that need some improvement) that I prepare for my family.  I host a weekly recipe link party where other bloggers share their fantastic recipes (and feed my addiction).  BUT...there is more to ME than "just" many other things that I LOVE...and I figured it was time to write about those things too!  And so...What Mama Loves...was born!

Here you are going to find all sorts of bits out about me.  If I see a picture that I love, you will see it here.  If I have a story to tell about something amazing that has happened, you will read it here.  If I have crafted something fun, I will show you here!  Does it sound like fun?  I hope so!

But WAIT, there's more!  Because I am hooked on link parties, I will be starting a weekly link party "What Mama Loves Wednesday" where YOU can share what you love!  I can't wait!