Tuesday, 1 January 2013

New Year's Resolutions

Do you make New Year's Resolutions?  For most of my life, I haven't.  No real reason, I guess I just never figured that I needed a specific date to start something new.  However, two years ago I started, and I made a resolution to start reading more (return to something that I love to do) - and I was able to do that.  I set a goal to read 2 books a month (I know, that's not many, but I felt it was an attainable goal given where I was in that time of my life).  Last year, I made a resolution about food.  I was home on maternity leave and quite conscious of what my family was eating, and we were in a meal rut, so I resolved that we would try at least one new recipe each week so that we were trying new things and getting out of that meal rut.  I'm happy to say that one year later, we are still going strong with the resolution.  My sister blog, Addicted to Recipes, was born out of that resolution.  It's been a fun ride and I'm looking forward to seeing what 2013 brings for blogging!

I've been contemplating my resolutions for 2013.  Do I want to make any? What changes would I like to see in my life?  Now that the baby is a toddler (and finally sleeping better!) as a family we are getting more sleep and are getting more time for "us" and I am sometimes even getting time for "me".  I'm hoping to get more active again, I have always led an active lifestyle, but 5 pregnancies in 5 years took a toll on my ability to be active.  I really miss running, so I am hoping to start running again.  So I guess that is a resolution for this year.

I also miss reading.  I did so well with my reading resolution in 2011, but I fell off that bandwagon in 2012.  So, it's time to start reading again, and I am going to plan for 2 books a month again for 2013. Wow, I'm up to two resolutions already!

One more thing I miss is social time.  I used to play soccer, ball, be involved with community groups, art classes, etc - I've always been rather social.  I do miss that part of my life in some ways (I would never trade in the time with my kids though), but I do think it is good for me to find a little balance and reconnect with some of my/our friends and for my hubby and I to have time together too (like a quiet dinner without the "music" of kids screaming, LOL).  So this part of my resolution for 2013 is a joint venture.  My husband doesn't know it yet (you're getting a sneak peak here!) but we'll be having a date night once a month, no expectations on what we'll be doing - could be dinner, could be movie, could be bowling, could be going for a walk - really, it doesn't matter other than it is the two of us, together, kids at home with a babysitter.  Double dates with friends is also totally acceptable (fills that reconnecting with friends, and will probably help some of them fill a similar "need" too!).  I've also decided that I'm not planning date night each month, we'll each take turns :-)

If you are a resolution maker, what resolutions did you make for 2013?

Happy New Year!

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